Extreme obesity

Being cut out of your home.

I want to become so obese that a crew of rescue workers cut a hole in my house and struggle to haul me out.
10 years

Being cut out of your home.

I had a relitive who had gotten so big, that when he passed the coffin was to wide for the funeral home doors. What they did was remove a plate glass window.
8 years

Being cut out of your home.

Probably the direction a majority of us are going for
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

I want to become so obese that a crew of rescue workers cut a hole in my house and struggle to haul me out.

That must be embarrassing and humiliating for an obese person.
People watching that scene only make degrading comments.
It must be horrible to be in that situation.
That person only has to wait for a group of people to take him out of his house with a crane and cannot do anything.
He becomes an object of ridicule and none of those present will remember that he is a person.
I would feel like a useless bag of fat.
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

Only way I'd wanna be cut out of the house is dead😭

id have to say its Gotta be extremely embarrassing
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

to be honest to i'd rather be on the giving end of that scenerino you know.
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

I wonder wat its like reach that 600/700 plus ...hiding from nosey neighbors....to slowy not be able to fit thru doors/or the car, getting up for more then 15 20 30 sec is a project....eventually I think your body is really sore & clothes not fitting keep you a home body!!! Its in that 2-5 years where you find yourself unable to walk or get out of bed
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

As a first responder, I have served on a few list assists as well as assisted a technical rescue (cutting out of house) of a bariatric patient. The crews I worked on scene were nothing but professional. Real talk, no judgment on anyone, the rescue incident was very hard on the family members of the patient. Just giving some insight from someone who has been there. I wouldn’t have said anything but wanted to defend first responders from accusations of unprofessionalism.
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

Tbh it's a massive fantasy of mine, but it would also be humiliating. I think the worst part of it for me would be trying to hide how turned on I am. 😂

When I got to over four hundred, I had to come to grips that if I just stop caring that I am within reach but I have to admit that being that obese that I would need to be cut out of my room would be a crazy experience because their looks of disgust would be the best of the whole experience
3 years

Being cut out of your home.

Tbh it's a massive fantasy of mine, but it would also be humiliating. I think the worst part of it for me would be trying to hide how turned on I am. 😂

I would love to turn it into a reality for you.

Can I join the queue?
3 years
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